
Hello there,
I'm trying to install a Python package from GitHub using "reticulate" in RStudio. However, I encountered an error. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?

Thank you,

  • "C:/Users/.../AppData/Local/r-miniconda/condabin/conda.bat" "install" "--yes" "--prefix" "C:/Users/.../AppData/Local/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate" "-c" "conda-forge" "git+"
    Retrieving notices: ...working... done
    Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... done
    Solving environment: ...working... failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
    Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): ...working... done
    Solving environment: ...working... failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

Current channels:

  • h.ttps://
  • h.ttps://
  • h.ttps://
  • h.ttps://
  • h.ttps://
  • h.ttps://
  • h.ttps://
  • h.ttps://

To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to


and use the search bar at the top of the page.

Error: one or more Python packages failed to install [error code 1]

From the documentation, {reticulate} can only install from PyPI and Conda, not from Github.

So you'd probably want to create a Python environment (with conda or venv) from reticulate, then run python's pip command to do the installation without using reticulate. Some people seem to have managed here and there.

Btw. I would also add a reticulate tag to questions about reticulate, to make it more likely that the right people see it.

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