library getSpatialData donot install

ownloading GitHub repo 16EAGLE/getSpatialData@HEAD

units (NA -> 0.8-0 ) [CRAN]
sf (NA -> 1.0-7 ) [CRAN]
leafpop (NA -> 0.1.0 ) [CRAN]
leafem (NA -> 0.2.0 ) [CRAN]
exactextr... (NA -> 0.8.2 ) [CRAN]
mapview (NA -> 2.11.0) [CRAN]
leafpm (NA -> 0.1.0 ) [CRAN]
RStoolbox (NA -> 0.3.0 ) [CRAN]
mapedit (NA -> 0.6.0 ) [CRAN]
lwgeom (NA -> 0.2-8 ) [CRAN]
Installing 10 packages: units, sf, leafpop, leafem, exactextractr, mapview, leafpm, RStoolbox, mapedit, lwgeom

Installing packages into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘units’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘sf’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘leafpop’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘leafem’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘exactextractr’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘leafpm’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘lwgeom’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘mapview’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘RStoolbox’ had non-zero exit status”
Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘mapedit’ had non-zero exit status”

  • checking for file ‘/tmp/RtmpHDPqMr/remotes3e7d419d79/16EAGLE-getSpatialData-db66460/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
  • preparing ‘getSpatialData’:
  • checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
  • checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
  • checking for empty or unneeded directories
  • building ‘getSpatialData_0.1.2.tar.gz’

Installing package into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘/tmp/RtmpHDPqMr/file3e22ee9638/getSpatialData_0.1.2.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status”

Can you try installing units and post the complete console output you get? We need to figure out why the installation of package dependencies is failing.


i used google colab to write code by R but when i used


Warning message in i.p(...):
“installation of package ‘units’ had non-zero exit status”
and when write (library(getSpatialData))
Warning message(Error in library(getSpatialData): there is no package called ‘getSpatialData’

That is the same information you already posted, as I said, we need more details to figure out what the problem is. Please try to install the units package so we can get more details, run this command in the R console and post the complete output you get.


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