Libraries to parse SAS SPDE in R?

Hi Experts.

Apologies for asking a question that is basically a search, but so far my efforts looking into this have not turned up much.

We're working with some data that has been organized into chunks with SPDE partitioning using SAS 9, but we're looking to see if this same data can be read from within the R framework.

I have seen that SASPy can do this with the right calls, and that the haven package from the tidyverse can handle some SAS formats (e.g. sas7bdat), but my fear is that given this is a proprietary organizational scheme, there are no out-of-the-box packages or solutions for pulling this data into R that doesn't involve converting it into a different format (e.g. parquet or similar) via SAS or SASPy first and then moving it into R.

Was hoping to see if anyone had come across or utilized anything of this nature in their own work, as the documentation and help for the packages I have explored have not turned up much.

Thank you to all in advance!

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