i am trying to update a published quarto doc on our posit connect server. when i try to update the manifest using rsconnect::writeManifest()
i get the error below.
I specify appDir
because my project has 3 published documents, each in their own parent folder. This wasn't an issue initially, but i suspect is now causing the error because the problem text in the error message is contained in a quarto doc in a different folder called make-predictions/
in my troubleshooting i ran quarto inspect
in my terminal and received no error.
Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot?
i am using quarto 1.6.37, quarto package version ‘1.4.4’ and rsconnect version ‘1.3.1’.
767.25 MB ❯ main ❯ rsconnect::writeManifest(appDir = "monitor-predictions", verbose = TRUE)
! lexical error: invalid character inside string.
hest_freq != 1, 0, .)),\n specimen_number = if_e
(right here) ------^
Hide Traceback
1. └─rsconnect::writeManifest(appDir = "monitor-predictions", verbose = TRUE)
2. └─rsconnect:::appMetadata(...)
3. └─rsconnect:::inferQuartoInfo(...)
4. └─rsconnect:::quartoInspect(appDir = appDir, appPrimaryDoc = appPrimaryDoc)
5. └─jsonlite::fromJSON(json)
6. └─jsonlite:::parse_and_simplify(...)
7. └─jsonlite:::parseJSON(txt, bigint_as_char)
8. └─jsonlite:::parse_string(txt, bigint_as_char)
Can you try specifying a vector of files instead of a folder?
I've received the same error legend while trying to run rsconnect::writeManifest()
in a Quarto dashboard that contains Shiny elements, in order to publish it on Connect Cloud.
The error indicates that there's an "invalid character inside string." and points to a blank space in a character string when there's actually no such space in that named object.
Error: lexical error: invalid character inside string.
iltered_data$ESCALAFON_OK != ' P.E.P', ]\n# filtered_data_su
(right here) ------^
The actual piece of code in my .qmd file:
I tried specifying the appMode (quarto-shiny) and the appPrimaryDoc (my .qmd file) but the error persists
Could you say which versions of quarto and R you're using?
R version 4.1.2
Quarto 1.4.553
Would it be possible for one of you to construct some kind of minimal reproducible example? Perhaps a repo that recreates the structure of the project you're working with?
One possible related issue may be Quarto render error · Issue #7029 · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · GitHub but it's pretty difficult to figure out what's going on from the information you've shared so far.
Yes, I tried with a simpler quarto dashboard with shiny interactivity and i didn't get the same error, but let me show you the logs, as I wasn't able to deploy it neither.
The repo is here GitHub - Datos-SSGRH/test_deploy, and the command i run for the manifest.json was rsconnect::writeManifest(appMode = "quarto-shiny")
In the deploymant phase, it stops in "Installing Dependencies", with this error: 2025-02-24T16:00:04-03:00 e[91mERROR: Validation of YAML cell metadata failed.e[39m
This issue appears only with quarto doc with shiny interactivity. I just changed it to a simple quarto dashboard without shiny and it deployed correctly.