I am trying to create a plot with two lines: one representing the data, and another a LOESS line of the data. I have been able to create this plot, but I am sure there is a cleaner way to do this.
Primary question: I was having problems adding the legend.
What I did:
- I used "group = 1"
- In both the geom_line and geom_smooth, I added "color = "Mean Annual Flow" or "LOESS"
But I thought "color = " codes for the color of the line. Why does this create the legend key name?
Is there a better way to do this?
Thank you.
plot3c <- ellaville_yearly %>%
ggplot(aes(x= year, y = year_avg, group = 1)) +
geom_line(aes(color = "Mean Annual Flow"), size =1) +
geom_smooth(aes(color = "LOESS"), method = "loess", se = F, linetype = "dashed", size = 1, span = 0.4,
show.legend = TRUE) +
colour = "Test",
y=expression(paste("Flow ( ",ft^3,s^-1,")"))) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#> Error in ellaville_yearly %>% ggplot(aes(x = year, y = year_avg, group = 1)): could not find function "%>%"
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'plot3c' not found
Created on 2022-05-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
~year, ~year_avg,
1932, 7984.67391304348,
1933, 6842.02739726027,
1934, 2201.09589041096,
1935, 3535.01369863014,
1936, 5053.44262295082,
1937, 7557.94520547945,
1938, 2445.67123287671,
1939, 4354.35616438356,
1940, 3260.02732240437,
1941, 2414.6301369863,
1942, 6919.31506849315,
1943, 2564.30136986301,
1944, 8430.02732240437,
1945, 7805.50684931507,
1946, 8418.76712328767,
1947, 11690.0547945205,
1948, 14529.4808743169,
1949, 7174.05479452055,
1950, 3040.52054794521,
1951, 3737.17808219178,
1952, 4722.67759562842,
1953, 6311.17808219178,
1954, 2994.18904109589,
1955, 1383.02739726027,
1956, 2537.10928961749,
1957, 5104.35616438356,
1958, 8195.06849315069,
1959, 10391.1780821918,
1960, 8230.79234972678,
1961, 5720.38356164384,
1962, 4000.43835616438,
1963, 4076.84931506849,
1964, 15573.9344262295,
1965, 10968.4383561644,
1966, 9773.39726027397,
1967, 4781.15068493151,
1968, 1672.00546448087,
1969, 4780.57534246575,
1970, 8447.28767123288,
1971, 6456.6301369863,
1972, 7294.4262295082,
1973, 12112.3835616438,
1974, 4608.1095890411,
1975, 8386.87671232877,
1976, 7336.47540983607,
1977, 6425.3698630137,
1978, 5799.56164383562,
1979, 5688.68493150685,
1980, 6209.56284153005,
1981, 2424.79452054795,
1982, 4774.68493150685,
1983, 9491.2602739726,
1984, 11578.4426229508,
1985, 3679.15068493151,
1986, 7152.57534246575,
1987, 8382.27397260274,
1988, 4655.92896174863,
1989, 2470.16438356164,
1990, 3436.14794520548,
1991, 13247.4794520548,
1992, 6384.48087431694,
1993, 6175.72602739726,
1994, 9673.45205479452,
1995, 5414.57534246575,
1996, 3843.25136612022,
1997, 6890.35616438356,
1998, 10770.1369863014,
1999, 1862.98630136986,
2000, 1817.45628415301,
2001, 3211.11780821918,
2002, 1933.83835616438,
2003, 8260.02739726027,
2004, 7044.20765027322,
2005, 9233.39726027397,
2006, 3181.82465753425,
2007, 1610.55342465753,
2008, 4539.09836065574,
2009, 5779.06849315068,
2010, 5074.97808219178,
2011, 1263.07945205479,
2012, 2925.8306010929,
2013, 7449.83561643836,
2014, 8116.1095890411,
2015, 7178.57142857143
#> # A tibble: 84 x 2
#> year year_avg
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1932 7985.
#> 2 1933 6842.
#> 3 1934 2201.
#> 4 1935 3535.
#> 5 1936 5053.
#> 6 1937 7558.
#> 7 1938 2446.
#> 8 1939 4354.
#> 9 1940 3260.
#> 10 1941 2415.
#> # ... with 74 more rows
Created on 2022-05-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)