I'm running into a weird issue with sf objects that causes rendering to fail only if I read in the object from an rds file.
In my quarto doc rendering to html, the following code renders fine:
# import map data
us_geo <-
tigris::states(class = "sf", cb = TRUE) %>%
tigris::shift_geometry() %>%
filter(GEOID < 60)
# data that I want to plot
state_data <- read_csv("state_data.csv")
# join to be able to plot the map with state data
map_data <-
us_geo %>%
left_join(state_data, by = c("NAME" = "state")) # tigris uses NAME for state name
# plot
map_data %>%
Importing data from tigris is a little slow. Since I'm rendering a bunch of documents, I thought I'd save time by reading us_geo
from an rds file instead, i.e., in a static file:
# save map data to an rds file
tigris::states(class = "sf", cb = TRUE) %>%
tigris::shift_geometry() %>%
filter(GEOID < 60) %>%
This works fine when I run interactively a-la running code chunks, but fails to join when I try to render the document with the warning below!
# import map data
us_geo <- read_rds("us_geo.rds")
# data that I want to plot
state_data <- read_csv("state_data.csv")
# join to be able to plot the map with state data
map_data <-
us_geo %>%
left_join(state_data, by = c("NAME" = "state"))
# plot
map_data %>%
Error in `as_tibble()`:
! All columns in a tibble must be vectors.
✖ Column `geometry` is a `sfc_MULTIPOLYGON/sfc` object.
5. dplyr:::left_join.data.frame(., state_data, by = c(NAME = "state"))
6. dplyr:::join_mutate(...)
8. tibble:::as_tibble.data.frame(x, .name_repair = "minimal")
Again, this works just fine when I run the chunk interactively --- does anyone have an idea about what might be going on? (also, if there's a better way to generate a reprex for quarto docs, I'm all ears)