Hi all,i'm italian student in Actuarial Maths. it's the first time that i comment here. I place before that my english is not very good. I hope that you'll understand me The problem is this: I'm working on R about the Lee carter model. I want to apply this model on a dataset of only males and not females! So first i downloaded from human mortality database:("http://www.mortality.org/cgi-bin/hmd/hmd_download.php") the life tables- Male. Then i extracted from mltper_1x1 the file iTAmltper_1x1.txt. I opened it with Excel, then i saved it. The format is always on .txt, but the content is clearer:
Then i imported the file on R:
ITAdata.male=read.demogdata("C:\Users\Mario\Desktop\ITA.mltper_1x1.txt",type="mortality",label="Italy male")
The output of the last command is:
"Mortality data for Italy male
Series: mx qx ax lx dx lx tx ex
Years: 1872 - 2014
Ages: 0 - 110"
Finally i tried to fit a Lee Carter Model and i had the following error:
"Error in get.series(data$pop, series) : Series mx not found Inoltre: Warning message: In extract.ages(data, min(ages):max.age, combine.upper = TRUE) : No population data available for combining upper ages"
I don't understand why Series mx is not found.. Anyway class of "ITAdata.male" is demogdata:
1 "demogdata"
Can anyone help me pls?
Thank you very much!