learnr tutorials not showing Run Code button

Based on previous posts, it looks like the learnr package should work (or has in the past) under RStudio Cloud. Currently, however, I'm not seeing the Run Code button appearing with the code chunks in the tutorials.

With learnr loaded, if I run

learnr::run_tutorial("hello", package="learnr")

I see this

Could this be a problem with my setup, or is it something on the server side?


Hi Alistair,

Unfortunately, I'm not able to replicate what you are seeing -- for me, it looks like this is working as expected. When I run

learnr::run_tutorial("hello", package="learnr")

from the Console in a new RStudio Cloud project, I see this:

What version of R are you using? Which browser and operating system?


It's working now for me, as well. So whatever the problem was it seems to have been temporary. Thanks for checking into it!

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