Learnr tutorial becomes non-interactive with addition of phyloseq

... Hello, I am new to learnr and am running into an issue where my code chunks become non-interactive when I publish my learnr tutorial. (By non-interactive, I mean there is no output or feedback when clicking ‘Run Code’). I believe the problem has to do with my use of a Bioconductor package phyloseq, but I'm not certain.

The exercises in the pre-loaded learnr tutorial (e.g. adjust the code to show only the top 5 rows of mtcars) ARE interactive when I include the following in the set-up code chunk:

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

options(repos = BiocManager::repositories())

However, as soon as I add other packages such as tidyverse to this start-up code, the default exercises become non-interactive in the published version. All that I've altered in the pre-loaded learnr tutorial is this start-up code chunk:

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

options(repos = BiocManager::repositories())

The code chunks work locally when I run the .Rmd; however fail when I publish through the shiny server: https://ajames-shiny-r10.shinyapps.io/trial10/. I've updated R (4.1.0), R Studio (1.4.1106), phyloseq (1.36.0), and Bioconductor (3.14).

Any advice would be hugely appreciated.

Thank you!

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