Leaflet does not display data in R Studio Viewer but works fine when published to ShinyApps.io

Leaflet map in Shiny app opens and displays base map, but does not display the data (markers) in the Viewer in R Studio. The same exact app works fine when published on shinyapps.io.

In other words:
The map displays the data and responds to user input correctly on shinyapps.io. But when I run the same exact app in R Studio, the app opens, the map displays the base map and opens to the correct boundaries, but no markers are displayed.

Please note: there are lots of topics about shiny app working locally, but not when published on shinyapps.io. My problem is the OPPOSITE. My shiny app works fine when published on shinyapps.io, but not when run locally.

I don't think this has anything to do with my code per se, since the same exact code works fine on the shinyapps.io server, after publishing it. All file paths are relative and the same in both environments . Same issue occurs on both my work and personal computers. R, R Studio, and all packages are up to date.

This problem makes it virtually impossible for me to develop my apps with maps, because I can't see what any changes I make do to the map in R Studio. I have to publish the app to see the data displayed on the map. It's kind of crazy!

I'm completely stumped and a bit desperate. Can anyone please help? Thanks

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