Lavaan Error - trying to calculate a CFA

Hey, I need some help with lavaan and CFA!
Thats the code:

Daten <- read.spss("Teil123_bereinigt_R.sav",
ASPI <- "
AE =~ sp1_1 + sp8_1 + sp12_1 + sp17_1 + sp20_1 + sp24_1 + sp25_1 + sp32_1 + sp36_1 + sp43_1 + sp44_1
PP =~ sp2_1 + sp5_1 + sp13_1 + sp14_1 + sp15_1 + sp16_1 + sp19_1 + sp21_1 + sp22_1 + sp23_1 + sp26_1 + sp38_1
SE =~ sp6_1 + sp10_1 + sp29_1 + sp31_1 + sp33_1 + sp35_1 + sp39_1 + sp40_1 + sp41_1
BC =~ sp4_1 + sp11_1 + sp18_1 + sp27_1 + sp30_1 + sp37_1 + sp42_1
IC =~ sp3_1 + sp7_1 + sp9_1 + sp28_1 + sp34_1
CFA_ASPI <- cfa(model=ASPI, data=Daten, estimator = "mlr")
summary(CFA_ASPI, fit.measures = TRUE, standardized = TRUE)

The error message when trying to run "CFA_ASPI <-..." says:

Error in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, :
lavaan ERROR: unordered factor(s) detected; make them numeric or ordered: sp1_1 sp8_1 sp12_1 sp17_1 sp20_1 sp24_1 sp25_1 sp32_1 sp36_1 sp43_1 sp44_1 sp6_1 sp10_1 sp29_1 sp31_1 sp33_1 sp35_1 sp39_1 sp40_1 sp41_1 sp4_1 sp11_1 sp18_1 sp27_1 sp30_1 sp37_1 sp42_1 sp3_1 sp7_1 sp9_1 sp28_1 sp34_1

What do I do now? All the variables are at least scaled metric. These are items of a questionnaire with a likert scale from 1 to 5.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me!


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