Launching R with command line arguments

Is it possible to launch R within RStudio using command line arguments to the R executable?

Here is a use case. As of R 4.4.0, it is possible to pass --max-connections=512 (or some other value) to change from the default limit (128). How can this limit be increased for use within RStudio?

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Hoping an additional post might attract some attention.

While I'm at it, I'll ask how RStudio "locates an R installation on the system".

One of the things I tried was to create a bash script that executes R with --max-connections=512. Then I set the RSTUDIO_WHICH_R environment variable to point there. If I run my script from the command line, R launches with the correction number of available connections. But if I open RStudio, I get an error message saying it cannot locate an R installation on the system.

How can I tell RStudio that my script is an R installation (and to use all the files that are associated with the usual R install)?

Hi, I'm opening a related topic in case it helps — I'll add the link later.

My understanding is that RSTUDIO_WHICH_R is only relevant when you're working on a Mac system.

I work on Windows. I just recompile R from source, thereby creating a version of R that has max connections set above the default.

I agree that RStudio should add a parameter that's functionally equivalent to the --max-connections option.