Launching R Session in Kubernetes

I am currently working with a trial licensed Rstudio workbench and trying to integrate it with Kubernetes cluster. This is for a PoC purpose to implement the same in a client environment

I have setup everything according to the guide, my rstudio-server and rstudio-launcher services are up and running.

I am able to login to Rstudio workbench in browser and create a new session using K8 launcher. But, when I try to enter into the session, I am getting an error saying “Could not connect to Rsession on Rstudio server. Error occurred during transmission(6)”

Could someone please help me with this?

PFB the output verify-installation.

2022-05-16T07:59:34.079178Z [rserver] WARNING Launcher mount on line 1 specified without a MountType, inferred to be Nfs - it is strongly recommended that all mounts within the launcher-mounts file explicitly specify the desired mount type; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::server::job_launcher::{anonymous}::parseLauncherMount(int, const std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::__cxx11::basic_string > > >&, rstudio::server::job_launcher::JobTypeScope*, rstudio::server::job_launcher::WorkbenchScope*, std::__cxx11::string*, rstudio::job_launcher::impls::Mount*) src/cpp/server/ServerJobLauncher.cpp:321
Checking Job Launcher configuration...
Ensuring server-user is a Job Launcher admin...
Getting list of Job Launcher clusters...
Job launcher configured with the following clusters: Kubernetes
launcher-adhoc-clusters is empty - all clusters may be used to launch adhoc jobs
launcher-sessions-clusters is empty - all clusters may be used to launch session jobs
2022-05-16T07:59:34.147363Z [rserver] WARNING The home directory mount for cluster Kubernetes is a user-specific path, but a separate project sharing directory has not been configured. Users will not be able to access projects that have been shared with them unless all user home directories are mounted or a project sharing directory is set with the server-project-sharing-root-dir option in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and mounted; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::server::session_proxy::overlay::{anonymous}::verifyClusterMounts(const std::set<std::__cxx11::basic_string >&, const std::vectorrstudio::server::job_launcher::MountConfigEntry&, rstudio::server::job_launcher::WorkbenchScope) src/cpp/server/JobLauncherVerification.cpp:339
Launched R session job for cluster Kubernetes and image rstudio/r-session-complete:centos7-2022.02.2-485.pro2
Waiting for job to run...
Job transitioned to status Pending
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Insufficient cpu.
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Created pod: session-0da29cfc78a315b7d0a10-hariram---session-test-job-jp9m5g
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Insufficient cpu.
Job transitioned to status Pending
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Successfully assigned rstudio/session-0da29cfc78a315b7d0a10-hariram---session-test-job-jp9m5g to ip-192-164-3-5.ec2.internal
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: containers with unready status: [rs-launcher-container]
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Container image "rstudio/r-session-complete:centos7-2022.02.2-485.pro2" already present on machine
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Created container rs-launcher-container
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Started container rs-launcher-container
Job is running
Waiting for job to finish...
2022-05-16T08:00:12.298301Z [rserver] ERROR system error 111 (Connection refused); OCCURRED AT void rstudio::core::http::LocalStreamAsyncClient::handleConnect(const rstudio_boost::system::error_code&) src/cpp/server/ServerSessionProxy.cpp:124; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::server::job_launcher::rpc::{anonymous}::proxyMonitorRequest(rstudio_boost::shared_ptrrstudio::core::http::AsyncConnection)::<lambda(const rstudio::core::Error&)> src/cpp/server/ServerJobLauncherRpc.cpp:1930
Job has finished running
Job exited successfully

Hi @Hariram,

Since you're trialing RStudio Workbench, you have access to our support engineers. I'd encourage you to submit a ticket so they can collect some more information and get back to you. Once you've done so, feel free to post the solution here so others can see!

You can file a ticket at

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