I am currently working with a trial licensed Rstudio workbench and trying to integrate it with Kubernetes cluster. This is for a PoC purpose to implement the same in a client environment
I have setup everything according to the guide, my rstudio-server and rstudio-launcher services are up and running.
I am able to login to Rstudio workbench in browser and create a new session using K8 launcher. But, when I try to enter into the session, I am getting an error saying “Could not connect to Rsession on Rstudio server. Error occurred during transmission(6)”
2022-05-16T07:59:34.079178Z [rserver] WARNING Launcher mount on line 1 specified without a MountType, inferred to be Nfs - it is strongly recommended that all mounts within the launcher-mounts file explicitly specify the desired mount type; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::server::job_launcher::{anonymous}::parseLauncherMount(int, const std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::__cxx11::basic_string, std::__cxx11::basic_string > > >&, rstudio::server::job_launcher::JobTypeScope*, rstudio::server::job_launcher::WorkbenchScope*, std::__cxx11::string*, rstudio::job_launcher::impls::Mount*) src/cpp/server/ServerJobLauncher.cpp:321
Checking Job Launcher configuration...
Ensuring server-user is a Job Launcher admin...
Getting list of Job Launcher clusters...
Job launcher configured with the following clusters: Kubernetes
launcher-adhoc-clusters is empty - all clusters may be used to launch adhoc jobs
launcher-sessions-clusters is empty - all clusters may be used to launch session jobs
2022-05-16T07:59:34.147363Z [rserver] WARNING The home directory mount for cluster Kubernetes is a user-specific path, but a separate project sharing directory has not been configured. Users will not be able to access projects that have been shared with them unless all user home directories are mounted or a project sharing directory is set with the server-project-sharing-root-dir option in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and mounted; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::server::session_proxy::overlay::{anonymous}::verifyClusterMounts(const std::set<std::__cxx11::basic_string >&, const std::vectorrstudio::server::job_launcher::MountConfigEntry&, rstudio::server::job_launcher::WorkbenchScope) src/cpp/server/JobLauncherVerification.cpp:339
Launched R session job for cluster Kubernetes and image rstudio/r-session-complete:centos7-2022.02.2-485.pro2
Waiting for job to run...
Job transitioned to status Pending
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Insufficient cpu.
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Created pod: session-0da29cfc78a315b7d0a10-hariram---session-test-job-jp9m5g
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Insufficient cpu.
Job transitioned to status Pending
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Successfully assigned rstudio/session-0da29cfc78a315b7d0a10-hariram---session-test-job-jp9m5g to ip-192-164-3-5.ec2.internal
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: containers with unready status: [rs-launcher-container]
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Container image "rstudio/r-session-complete:centos7-2022.02.2-485.pro2" already present on machine
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Created container rs-launcher-container
Job transitioned to status Pending with status message: Started container rs-launcher-container
Job is running
Waiting for job to finish...
2022-05-16T08:00:12.298301Z [rserver] ERROR system error 111 (Connection refused); OCCURRED AT void rstudio::core::http::LocalStreamAsyncClient::handleConnect(const rstudio_boost::system::error_code&) src/cpp/server/ServerSessionProxy.cpp:124; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::server::job_launcher::rpc::{anonymous}::proxyMonitorRequest(rstudio_boost::shared_ptrrstudio::core::http::AsyncConnection)::<lambda(const rstudio::core::Error&)> src/cpp/server/ServerJobLauncherRpc.cpp:1930
Job has finished running
Job exited successfully
Since you're trialing RStudio Workbench, you have access to our support engineers. I'd encourage you to submit a ticket so they can collect some more information and get back to you. Once you've done so, feel free to post the solution here so others can see!