Launch Harlequin from RStudio Terminal

I am very much enjoying Harlequin, the SQL IDE for your terminal. The only thing that would improve the experience is the ability to launch it from an RStudio terminal...which is presumably possible...

After installing Harlequin and modifying my PATH, the application runs fine from Command Prompt and PowerShell. Calling 'harlequin', from an RStudio terminal, however, errors:

> harlequin --help
'harlequin' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

The PATH is the same when echo'd from RStudio and Command Prompt. How can I launch Harlequin from RStudio?

Edit: including some system info:

  • RStudio 2023.09.1 Build 494
  • Windows 11

Update: I'm able to launch Harlequin by specifying the full path to .../harlequin.exe. The experience, however, is pretty bad (clicking and hot keys don't really work). I don't think RStudio and Harlequin are compatible from a (share the same interface) perspective.

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Interesting, thanks for following up. Do you use any other fancy terminals? I'd be interested to know if this is an overall limitation of RStudio vs. just Harlequin


@randyzwitch I don't use any other fancy terminals (yet). There seems to be a growing number of cool terminal apps, and launching them from RStudio would be pretty, pretty cool.

I did take the liberty of opening an issue.

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Great, thanks for opening the issue! This seems like it could be a fun internal hackathon type exploration for the team (can't promise anything though :slight_smile: )


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