Latest RStudio Version did not launch appropriately in my computer

R Session Startup Failure Report

RStudio Version

RStudio 2023.03.0+386 "Cherry Blossom " (3c53477a, 2023-03-09) for Windows

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) RStudio/2023.03.0+386 Chrome/108.0.5359.179 Electron/22.0.3 Safari/537.36

Error message

[No error available]

Process Output

The R session exited with code 1.

Error output:

[No errors emitted]

Standard output:

[No output emitted]



2023-04-02T08:35:38.652440Z [rsession-asus] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /grid_resource/dtviewer.js]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:156; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:161
2023-04-02T13:19:02.319652Z [rsession-asus] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:156; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:161
2023-04-02T13:19:02.319652Z [rsession-asus] ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine) [request-uri: /events/get_events]; OCCURRED AT void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:156; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::session::HttpConnectionImpl<class rstudio_boost::asio::ip::tcp>::sendResponse(const class rstudio::core::http::Response &) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionImpl.hpp:161

I received this kinda message, but have no idea what the message tell about.
I tried to open the program, but only the icon appeared.
I tried to open R file that I made, but it just a black screen.
I tried the older version, it run properly. However, if I open R file, my code did not appear on notebook.

thx in advanced for everyone responded to this problem.

This usually means that an antivirus program is blocking the internal connection between RStudio and R. Are you running any antivirus software? If so, can you add rstudio.exe and rsession.exe to their exclusion list?

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