knitr keeps failing

I am trying to make an HTML file from a RStudio notebook.

I keep getting the error

The code on line 252 is below

Any help would be appreciated.

Is there a problem with that line? Without more context it is impossible to help.

If you are absolute sure that the code works, then it might be a cache issue. Try cleaning the cache in Preview ("Clear knitr cache...") and then knit the notebook again.

The code works. I do get figures in html but no notebook.

Tried clearing the cache but that didn’t help.

Error is "Error in Line 348 train.default(x, y …Execution halted.”

I Tried to attach the file but it wasn't allowed.
Here is some of the code

# Step 1: Impute missing values 
preProcess_missingdata_model <- preProcess(testData, method='knnImpute')
testData2 <- predict(preProcess_missingdata_model,testData)  
# Step 2: Create one-hot encodings (dummy variables)
testData3 <- predict(dummies_model, testData2)
# Step 3: Transform the features to range between 0 and 1
testData4 <- predict(preProcess_range_model, testData3)

# View

# Predict on testData
predicted2 <- predict(model_mars, testData4)
###6.5. Confusion Matrix

###The confusion matrix is a tabular representation to compare the predictions (data) vs the actuals (reference). By setting mode='everything' pretty much most classification evaluation metrics are computed.

# Compute the confusion matrix
confusionMatrix(reference = testData$Purchase, data = predicted2, mode='everything', positive='MM')
model_mars2 = train(Purchase ~ ., data=trainData, method='earth', tuneLength = 5, metric='ROC', trControl = fitControl)

# Step 2: Predict on testData and Compute the confusion matrix

confusionMatrix(reference = testData$Purchase, data = predicted2, mode='everything', positive='MM')

line 348 was "set.seed(100) is the last block.

I’m frustrated. This has worked in the past.




To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

Thank you !

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