In Rstudio 1.4 there is a global option for python interpreter. When I run a chunk of Python code in Rmd-file everything works fine with this interpreter. But when i try to knitr this Rmd-file to HTML the first chunk of Python-code fails with error:
Error: Installation of Python not found, Python bindings not loaded.
Use reticulate::install_miniconda() if you'd like to install a Miniconda Python environment.
Knitting happens in a clean R session that doesn't have your Python config. We should probably inject your Python config into that session; comment/upvote here:
opened 10:24PM - 29 Jan 21 UTC
closed 08:53PM - 10 Feb 21 UTC
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This issue tracker is for bugs and feature requests in the RStudio IDE. If you're having trouble with R itself or an R package, see, and if you want to ask a question rather than report a bug, go to Finally, if you use RStudio Server Pro, get in touch with our Pro support team at
### System details
RStudio Edition :
RStudio Version : 1.4.1533
OS Version : Mac 10.15.17
R Version : 4.0.3
### Steps to reproduce the problem
1. Create a Python virtual environment.
2. In Project Options, tell RStudio to use the virtual environment as the active Python interpreter.
3. Install one or more Python packages.
4. Create an R Markdown document that emits the Python version via reticulate::py_config()
5. Knit the document and examine the Python version that shows in the viewer vs the output that shows in the console.

### Describe the problem in detail
It is confusing why those versions are not matching.
### Describe the behavior you expected
I would expect the versions of what shows in the source and console to match what is showing in the knitted document.
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Until that's fixed, you could work around it by adding the appropriate use_python
to your document's setup chunk.
Thank you for reply. Hope for fast fixing.
Wish granted! This change will shortly be available in our daily builds (v1.4.1556 or higher):
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February 27, 2021, 12:32am
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