I cant edit the first line, and error never disappears: processing file: ONrates0422simple.Rmd"
It persists, even when I change to quarto. restart R doesnt help. cache=FALSE didnt help
(*) NOTE: I saw chunk options "fig.caption= "Sample rates 3/4/2016-12/14/2023"echo=FALSE,results='asis'"
please go to https://yihui.org/knitr/options
(it is likely that you forgot to quote "character" options)
Error in parse(text = code, keep.source = FALSE) :
<text>:1:55: unexpected symbol
1: alist( fig.caption= "Sample rates 3/4/2016-12/14/2023"echo
Calls: <Anonymous> ... parse_params -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> parse_only -> parse
Execution halted
Older same topic: https://forum.posit.co/t/knitr-is-giving-an-error-message/161294
```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.cap = "Sample rates 3/4/2016 to 12/14/2023", results='asis', cache=FALSE}
boxplot_sample <- data.frame(
Group = structure(1:4, .Label = c("EFFR", "TGCR", "BGCR", "SOFR"), class = "factor"),
y0 = c(Estats[5], Tstats[3], Bstats[3], Sstats[3]),
y25 = c(Estats[6], Tstats[4], Bstats[4], Sstats[4]),
y50 = c(Estats[1], Tstats[1] , Bstats[1] , Sstats[1]) ,
y75 = c(Estats[7], Tstats[5], Bstats[5], Sstats[5]),
y100 = c(Estats[8], Tstats[6], Bstats[6], Sstats[6]))
bsample <- ggplot(boxplot_sample , aes(x = Group,
ymin = y0,
ymax = y100,
lower = y25,
middle = y50,
upper = y75,
fill = Group)) +
labs(caption = "Sample 3/4/2016-12/14/2023", x = "", y = "Basis Points (bp)", color = "Rate", shape = "Rate") +
geom_boxplot(stat = "identity") +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))