keyboard shortcut cheat sheets for #rstats adjacent tools

I am always trying to shift more of my interaction to the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcuts for the RStudio IDE are already well-documented (see page 2 of the RStudio IDE cheat sheet or hit ++K.

But I also want to stay more on the keyboard outside of RStudio in adjacent tools, such as, Slack or my browser.
While I was hunting for more cheat sheets to decorate my office with, I noted these on GitHub, including, wherever possible, a decent PDF version, HTML and a shortcut for the shortcuts.

Perhaps this is helpful for others as well: GitHub - maxheld83/shortcts: A list of keyboard shortcut cheat sheets for #rstats and adjacent open source tooling..

PRs with more suggestions are always welcome.

Curious to learn what other people are doing to stick to the keyboard.

And yes, my desk looks roughly like this scene from A Beautiful Mind, minus the genius in front of it.

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Key bindings are the secret sauce to programming productivity. I'm moving back from MAC OS to *nix after a long affair with the ⌘ key and having to reprogram my muscle memory for ⌘A, ⌘E, ⌘K and the like. I was amazed after being away from vi for almost 15 years some time ago, that the fingers remembered what the tongue could not explain.

GUI is gooey.

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