Hi there! I am quite new to Studio and R in general and have been trying to run a binary logistic regression on some variables in my dataset. I want to figure out if the variables colour, stylist and environment have an effect on whether or not customers have been going to a hairdresser in 2021 (this data is recorded as 1s for yes and 0s for no in the dataset).
I use this following code:
logit <- read.csv("Hairdresser.csv")
pleasework <- glm(Active2021 ~ Sat_Colour + Sat_Stylist + Sat_Enviro, data = logit, family = "binomial")
summary(please work)
But always receive the following error:
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'Active2021' not found
Can anyone help me out with what I am doing wrong?