kable_classic full_width=FALSE - why it cannot copy properly to google docs from a html report?


I am creating html report file, and use kable and kableExtra to make tables. I like the options of styling in kable_classic() with additional options:
kable_classic(html_font = "arial", font_size = 11, full_width = FALSE, position = "left", bootstrap_options = "condensed")
as it renders nice to a html. However, when I try to copy/paste such a table to a google doc, the table does not copy properly but squizes the columns too much, making text break into another line.

the ideal would look the same like in html
but I could care less about everything else except this autofit problem.

P.S. There is no such problem with kable_styling() with the same options, but the render does not look like classic (no row borders etc.) and I do not know how to set it that way.

Is there a way to solve this?
(I know flextable, but would prefer to work with kable)

Check if you can adjust the styling within the kable function or use a simpler table format that is more likely to be compatible with Google Docs.

Of course I did ;).
I like kable_classic styling with no borders except heading and bottom of the table. The culprit is tied with full_width set to FALSE. I just set it to TRUE (default) and the table copies.
I thought that you can somehow tweak kable_styling so it would look like kable_classic borderwise because with it there is no problem with full_width=FALSE (but it has borders..). Apparently it is not easily doable, though.

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