I just built a new website with blogdown and Hugo and I'm using continuous deployment with Netlify from my Github. All is good except for the fact that my _redirects file (which is meant to redirect from my subdomain to my main custom domain) isn't working as intended -- i.e., https://harvardgwe.netlify.com/ is not redirecting to https://harvardgwe.com/.
Here is my Github repo that Netlify is deploying, which includes the aforementioned _redirects file.
PS: I have been looking around for working examples of _redirects files for other peoples' blogdown websites and think maybe multiple people are experiencing the same issue...? E.g., @apreshill, are your redirects working?
Thanks for responding! So, with the redirect I want people who type in https://harvardgwe.netlify.com/ to end up at the URL https://harvardgwe.com/ instead. Right now if you go to the netlify subdomain it doesn't redirect to the primary domain. See below:
Ah yes - so it is publishing the site to the correct domain because in your config.toml file you have baseURL = "https://harvardgwe.com/". Check out Yihui's redirects file- it may be that it needs to be in static? I forgot I moved mine to the root and it looks like it is having your same problem