I have an issue with the use of infobox in my shiny dashboard, i get this error and don't know how to fix it: Error in tagAssert: Expected an object with class 'shiny.tag'
here is a part of my code:
header = dashboardHeaderPlus(
title = "Clients fragiles",
titleWidth = 300
skin = "red",
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
width = 300,
fileInput( inputId = "corresp" ,
label = "Fichiers Correspondants" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept =c( ".xlsx", ".xls" )) ,
fileInput( inputId = "visit" ,
label = "Fichiers Visites" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept = c(".xlsx",".xls") ) ,
fileInput( inputId = "reclam" ,
label = "Fichiers Réclamations" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept = c(".xlsx",".xls") ) ,
fileInput( inputId = "solli" ,
label = "Fichiers Sollicitations" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept = c(".xlsx",".xls") ) ,
fileInput( inputId = "acc" ,
label = "Fichiers 100 % Accueil" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept = c(".xlsx",".xls") ) ,
fileInput( inputId = "deploie" ,
label = "Fichiers 100 % Déploiement" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept =c(".xlsx",".xls")) ,
fileInput( inputId = "csa" ,
label = "Fichiers CSAT" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept = c(".xlsx",".xls") ),
fileInput( inputId = "cib" ,
label = "Fichiers Cibles au T-1" ,
multiple = TRUE ,
accept = c(".xlsx",".xls") )
# downloadBttn(
# outputId = "downloadtable",
# label="Télécharger la cible",
# style = "float",
# color = "default",
# size="sm")
body = dashboardBody(
box(flexdashboard::gaugeOutput("value1"),width=2,title="Clients fragiles", height = "200px"),
infoBoxOutput("value2", width=2),
infoBoxOutput("value3", width=2),
infoBoxOutput("value4", width=2),
infoBoxOutput("value5", width=2)
title = "Etapes de traitement",
width = 12,
icon = "fa fa-th",
gradientColor = "red",
boxToolSize = "sm",
closable = TRUE,
footer= plotOutput("sortie") )
server <- function( input , output ) {
# Augmenter la taille des téléchargements
options( shiny.maxRequestSize = 900*1024^2 )
# Background
wk <- reactive({
if(is.null(input$corresp ) |is.null(input$visit )| is.null(input$reclam ) | is.null(input$solli )|is.null(input$acc)|is.null(input$deploie)|is.null(input$csa)|is.null(input$cib) ){return ()}
dataset_n<- data.frame(table = c("Correspondant", "Visite","Réclamation","Sollicitation", "Accueil", "Déploiement", "Csat", "Cible T-1"),
volumetrie =c(nrow(correspondant), nrow(visite), nrow(reclamation), nrow(sollicitation), nrow(accueils), nrow(deploiements), nrow(csats), nrow(cibles) ))
dataset_n$table <- factor(dataset_n$table, ordered=T, levels=c("Correspondant", "Visite","Réclamation","Sollicitation", "Accueil", "Déploiement", "Csat", "Cible T-1"))
combo <- list(workspace = workspace, dataset_n = dataset_n)
output$sortie <- renderPlot({
if(is.null(input$corresp ) |is.null(input$visit )| is.null(input$reclam ) | is.null(input$solli )|is.null(input$acc)|is.null(input$deploie)|is.null(input$csa)|is.null(input$cib) ){return ()}
combo <-wk()
dataset_n <- combo$dataset_n
p <- ggplot(dataset_n, aes(x=table, y=volumetrie))+
scale_x_discrete("") +
scale_y_continuous("",label=number) +
geom_text(aes(label = number(volumetrie)), vjust = -0.5,size = 3.5)+
return(p) } )
output$value1 <- flexdashboard::renderGauge({
if(is.null(input$corresp ) |is.null(input$visit )| is.null(input$reclam ) | is.null(input$solli )|is.null(input$acc)|is.null(input$deploie)|is.null(input$csa)|is.null(input$cib) ){return ()}
combo <- wk()
workspace <- combo$workspace
fragile <- workspace %>% count(`CLIENT FRAGILE CSAT ?`) %>% as.data.frame()
fragile <- fragile %>%
arrange(desc(`CLIENT FRAGILE CSAT ?`)) %>%
gauge(fragile$prop, min = 0, max = 100, symbol = '%', label = paste("Clients fragiles"),gaugeSectors(
success = c(0, 30), warning = c(30, 50), danger = c(50, 100), colors = c("#16B84E", "#ED7F10","#FE1B00")
# output$value1 <- renderValueBox({
# valueBox(
# paste("Clients fragiles": fragile$prop),
# color = "red")
# })
output$value2 <- renderInfoBox({
if(is.null(input$corresp ) |is.null(input$visit )| is.null(input$reclam ) | is.null(input$solli )|is.null(input$acc)|is.null(input$deploie)|is.null(input$csa)|is.null(input$cib) ){return ()}
combo <-wk()
workspace <- combo$workspace
recla <- combo %>% count(`Raison de fragilité`= str_detect(`Raison(s) fragilité`, regex("Réclamation", ignore_case = T))) %>% as.data.frame()
recla <- recla %>% filter(`Raison de fragilité`==TRUE) %>% mutate(`Raison de fragilité`="Réclamation") %>% mutate(prop=n/sum(n))
recla$prop ,
icon = icon("list"),
color = "green",
output$value3 <- renderInfoBox({
if(is.null(input$corresp ) |is.null(input$visit )| is.null(input$reclam ) | is.null(input$solli )|is.null(input$acc)|is.null(input$deploie)|is.null(input$csa)|is.null(input$cib) ){return ()}
combo <-wk()
workspace <- combo$workspace
sat <- workspace %>% count(`Raison de fragilité`= str_detect(`Raison(s) fragilité`, regex("SAT", ignore_case = T))) %>% as.data.frame()
sat <- sat %>% filter(`Raison de fragilité`==TRUE) %>% mutate(`Raison de fragilité`="SAT") %>% mutate(prop=n/sum(n))
sat$prop ,
icon = icon("list"),
color = "yellow",
output$value4 <- renderInfoBox({
if(is.null(input$corresp ) |is.null(input$visit )| is.null(input$reclam ) | is.null(input$solli )|is.null(input$acc)|is.null(input$deploie)|is.null(input$csa)|is.null(input$cib) ){return ()}
combo <-wk()
workspace <- combo$workspace
vis <- workspace %>% count(`Raison de fragilité`= str_detect(`Raison(s) fragilité`, regex("Visite", ignore_case = T))) %>% as.data.frame()
vis <- vis %>% filter(`Raison de fragilité`==TRUE) %>% mutate(`Raison de fragilité`="Visite") %>% mutate(prop=n/sum(n))
vis$prop ,
icon = icon("list"),
color = "light-blue",
output$value5 <- renderInfoBox({
if(is.null(input$corresp ) |is.null(input$visit )| is.null(input$reclam ) | is.null(input$solli )|is.null(input$acc)|is.null(input$deploie)|is.null(input$csa)|is.null(input$cib) ){return ()}
combo <-wk()
workspace <- combo$workspace
esc <- workspace %>% count(`Raison de fragilité`= str_detect(`Raison(s) fragilité`, regex("escalade", ignore_case = T))) %>% as.data.frame()
esc <- esc %>% filter(`Raison de fragilité`==TRUE) %>% mutate(`Raison de fragilité`="Escalade") %>% mutate(prop=n/sum(n))
esc$prop ,
icon = icon("list"),
color = "orange", width=2)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Can anyone please help ?
thank's in advance