Issues Locating/Downloading NCVS lone offender assaults 1992 to 2013.sav

Hello. I just purchased an eBook titled: A beginner's Guide to Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice Using R. In Chapter 2 of the book, and on page 22, readers are asked to import an SPSS file (NCVS lone offender assaults 1992 to 2013.sav), from the Dataset Source: National Crime Victimization Survey.
The problem is when I google that data source, I don't end up finding a .sav file, rather I have the options to download in a number of formats, including SPSS, but none of the downloaded files contain a .sav file. I've been able to import some .txt files with some data in it into dataframes in R, but none of the data makes much sense - there are no headers and lots of repeated values.
I would really appreciate it if anyone could please direct me on what to do.

I'm going to guess this is file made by the book. You can find the public NCVS files on ICPSR but there's not one already filtered down to "lone offender assaults".

You could start with the concatenated incident file available for download here: National Crime Victimization Survey, Concatenated File, 1992-2013

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And a bit of Googling, I found it. Datasets | Online Resources

Thank you soooo much!

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