Issues deploying quarto documents


I have made (my first) quarto document and was wanting to publish it via shinyapps as it has some interactive plotly elements. While I can get the document to render correctly as an HTML file, I can't get it to deploy to sucessfully.

When I use the in-app deploy button the process starts but halts due to an error, below is the output from the deploy window:

Preparing to deploy document...DONE
Uploading bundle for document: 6710245...DONE
Deploying bundle: 6144558 for document: 6710245 ...
Waiting for task: 1194789899
  building: Parsing manifest
################################ Begin Task Log ################################ 
################################# End Task Log ################################# 
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 1194789902 failed: Application mode quarto-static not supported.
Execution halted

and this is the YAML header

title: "Title"
   toc: true
   toc-depth: 4
   fig-width: 10
   fig-height: 6
   code-fold: true
   mainfont: Overpass

I have made a number of shiny applications and have deployed them without issue. I have done a bit of searching, but haven't seen any reports of a similar error message and am not sure where to go from here.

If anyone can give me an idea of something to try I would appreciate it.

Rstudio: 2022.07.1 Build 554
R version: 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
Quarto package: 1.2


Hi there,

Deploying quarto documents to isn't supported at this time. Check out the quarto docs for a list of supported publishing destinations.

Also, it sounds like you're using RStudio IDE to publish the Quarto doc. I'm surprised that you're being promoted to push quarto docs to, so that might be a bug in the IDE that needs to be addressed. Can you confirm the steps you took?


Hi Andy,

In actual fact I deployed one of the supplied demos (see Untitled) which is what made me think it was supposed to be possible. Admittedly an edge case as it was encapsulating shiny code.

I had started wondering if it was expected behaviour, as the option to deploy to shinyapps vs rpubs/connect seemed to come up inconsistently.

I just downloaded the bundle for the deployed image now to see if I can trace back the steps, but that seems to have caused an issue as well. the tar is 255Mb and it is over 1.25 GB unpacked. When unpacked it seems to have a range of (unrelated to the project) folders from my RStudio projects folder, which is unusual.

If you would like the basic qmd etc files associated with the uploaded package let me know on the email address I was registered with at this forum and I will send them through.

So, to confirm the answer to the original Q; the intended functionality for quarto documents is to either send it to rpubs (not really an option for this) or connect (which I don’t have) or host yourself externally?


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I had the same issue as Josh. I'm using posit cloud and also received the IDE option to publish a static quarto doc to and received the same error. Was pretty confusing!

I'll try publishing somewhere else for now, but agree with Andy's intuition that this could be a bug in the IDE

Hi sorry for resurrecting this topic but is there support for quarto docs/presentation on shinyapps as yet? The reason I am asking is because I still the option to publish via shiny apps on Rstudio IDE.


Hi, I am also encountering this error. I never made a quarto document and none show up. Only an R file with the shiny, leaflet, geojsonio, httr and jsonlite packages. I've tried rolling back R Studio to March 2023 version as well as using VSCode, but that led to other issues, including rsconnect not working with the older version of RStudio.

Is there any resolution to this? I deployed a project made in 2020, earlier this year and it had worked, so I have am guessing the updated versions are conflicting? Is there a workaround?

Thank you.