Issue with the Ranger, Caret and RandomForest packages when it comes to tuning the (ntree) parameter?

I am trying to find the optimal values for the parameters "ntree", "mtry" and "nodesize" for a random forest model. I tried the method below, but I could not automatically tune the values for "ntree". Could you please guide me to find a better solution to this problem. Please note that I am using this code on a large raster data set and cross-validating with "random search".

# Set up cross-validation with random search
train_control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5, search = "random")

# Define hyperparameter space for random search
tune_grid <- data.frame(
    mtry = sample(1:30, 10, replace = TRUE),
    min.node.size = sample(c(1:30), 10, replace = TRUE),node size
   splitrule = "variance"

# Run the random forest model with Random Search

rf_model <- train(
   LST ~ .,
   data = train_data,
   method = "ranger",
   tuneLength = 10,
   num.trees = 1000

# View the best model performance and hyperparameters

#Predict on the training data
train_predictions <- predict(rf_model, newdata = train_data[, -5])

#Predict on the validation data
validation_predictions3 <- predict(rf_model, newdata = validation_data[, -5])