Issue with navbarMenu when using a theme from bslib::bs_theme


I'm having an issue with a Shiny app that I am trying to use a theme from bslib from. The issue is demonstrated in the attached images.

When using a theme (any theme, not just flatly,) I am not able to select a single tabPanel from my navbarMenu. In my example code, I have two tabPanel options. When clicking on "Order" both tabPanel options are highlighted and I cannot choose a single one. This isn't just a visual issue, as when I have outputs in my server function, I am unable to navigate to them due to not being able to choose an option from the navbarMenu.

Here is the code using the theme:

ui <- navbarPage(
  "Sales BI",
  theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "flatly"),
    tabPanel("Open Order Dashboard"),
    tabPanel("Open Order Detail")

server <- function(input, output, session) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

And the code without the theme, where there is no issue:

ui <- navbarPage(
  "Sales BI",
    tabPanel("Open Order Dashboard"),
    tabPanel("Open Order Detail")

server <- function(input, output, session) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

Any help is appreciated.


Do you have the latest versions of shiny and bslib? I believe we somewhat recently released a fix for this.

I believe so, I am on Shiny 1.7.1 and bslib 0.3.1. I am on R version 4.1.3 and RStudio is up to date. Unfortunately I'm still seeing the issue.

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