hi everyone,
i'm experiencing a fatal error in RStudio when trying to load the glmulti package on my mcbook m3 pro as soon as i run < **(*select.modele.aic <- glmulti(Sales ~., data = Carseats, level = 1, ***
*** fitfunction = lm, crit = "aic", plotty = FALSE, method = "h")*** > RStudio crashes and shows fatal error message. i have downloaded leaps package, java app, rjava package.
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The crash might be due to glmulti's dependency on rJava, which can have compatibility issues on macOS. Try these steps:
- Ensure Java is properly installed and recognized by R:
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME = "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<your-java-version>/Contents/Home")
- Reinstall glmulti and rJava:
install.packages("glmulti", dependencies = TRUE)
- If the issue persists, try running RStudio with Rosetta 2 (right-click the app → Get Info → check "Open using Rosetta").
- If still crashing, consider using an alternative like MuMIn for model selection.