Issue updating tidyverse RStudio


I just tried to update the tidyverse package in RStudio, but I received an error when I ran my code.

This is the code:



install.packages(c("broom", "dbplyr", "dplyr", "dtplyr", "ggplot2", "googledrive",
"googlesheets4", "haven", "hms", "lubridate", "pillar", "readr",
"reprex", "rlang", "rvest", "tibble", "tidyr", "xml2"))

This is the error:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyverse’ in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]): namespace ‘ellipsis’ 0.3.1 is already loaded, but >= 0.3.2 is required

I have used tidyverse many times before, so I am not sure why this is happening. Thank you.


then retry with tidyverse.

I tried this and am still getting the error:




install.packages(c("broom", "dbplyr", "dplyr", "dtplyr", "ggplot2", "googledrive",
"googlesheets4", "haven", "hms", "lubridate", "pillar", "readr",
"reprex", "rlang", "rvest", "tibble", "tidyr", "xml2"))

Also, I am trying to run code for an entirely different RStudio project in a different project file, and the code is not working-I am receiving a similar error about 'ellipsis' already being loaded and needing a different version:

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘fpp2’ in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]): namespace ‘ellipsis’ 0.3.1 is already loaded, but >= 0.3.2 is required

Thank you for the help. This is strange because in this separate project file, the code has worked fine before (I didn't change anything to the code...).

Please post the complete output message you get when you run this command



I managed to resolve the ellipses package error. I had to close another RStudio session I had open and now that issue is resolved.

But, I received this error after running a different chunk of code that has worked before:
Error in attr(, "problems")[["col"]] : object of type 'externalptr' is not subsettable

Can anyone explain the meaning of the error itself? I know the code works so I'm not sure why this error is occurring now. Thank you, I appreciate the help.

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That is a different question, we like to keep things tidy around here so please ask it on a new topic providing a relevant REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue.

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