Issue Deploying App


I am a new to building shiny apps. I built one (code below) and I was able to successfully publish to and run it locally. For some reason I wasn't able to use the Publish button in R to publish as I would get in error. Not sure if that is related to the current problem. When I go to open the app online, I get this error: "An error has occurred. The application failed to start. exit status 1" I checked my log and it says "Error in rsconnect:: "my pathway" does not exist." I'm wondering if it is something strongly wrong in my code or something else. Any help is very much appreciated



ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Membership and Revenue Forecasting Tool"),
    body, .shiny-output table th, .shiny-output table td {
      color: white; /* Change text color to white */
    .control-label {
      color: black; /* Change input label color to black */
    .contact-link {
      text-align: center; /* Center align the contact link */
      margin-top: 20px; /* Add some margin at the top */
    .irs-grid-text {
      color: black !important; /* Change slider numbers color to black */
  body {
    background-color: #000000; /* Change to your desired color */
      numericInput("members", "Number of Members:", value = 1000),
      numericInput("price", "Price of Membership ($):", value = 100),
      sliderInput("retention", "Estimated Retention Rate (%):", min = 0, max = 100, value = 90),
      sliderInput("growth_rate", "Estimated Growth Rate (%):", min = 0, max = 100, value = 1),
      actionButton("simulate", "Simulate"),
      downloadButton("download_excel", "Export to Excel")
      tags$h3("Projected Outcomes", style = "color: white;"), 
  div(style = "position: absolute; bottom: 10px; ;left: 10px;",
      img(src = "my image", height = 50)),
  div(style = "position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 10px;",
      img(src = "my image address", height = 50)),
  # Add contact link
  div(class = "contact-link", style = "position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%);",
      tags$a("Ready to take the next step? Contact Avenue M", href = "my website"))

server <- function(input, output) {
  observeEvent(input$simulate, {
    members <- input$members
    price <- input$price
    retention <- input$retention / 100
    growth_rate <- input$growth_rate / 100
    years <- 3
    revenue <- numeric(years)
    membership <- numeric(years)
    # Calculate revenue and membership for "Current" row
    revenue[1] <- members * price
    membership[1] <- members
    # Calculate revenue and membership for subsequent years
    for (year in 2:years) {
      members <- members * retention * (1 + growth_rate)
      price <- price * (1 + growth_rate)
      revenue[year] <- members * price
      membership[year] <- members
    # Calculate values for year 3
    members_year_3 <- members * retention * (1 + growth_rate)
    price_year_3 <- price * (1 + growth_rate)
    revenue_year_3 <- members_year_3 * price_year_3
    # Append year 3 values to the results data frame
    results <- data.frame(
      Year = c("Current", 1:3),
      Revenue = c(dollar(revenue[1], prefix = "$"), dollar(revenue[2:3], prefix = "$"), dollar(revenue_year_3, prefix = "$")),
      Membership = c(scales::comma(membership[1], big.mark = ","), scales::comma(membership[2:3], big.mark = ","), scales::comma(members_year_3, big.mark = ","))
    output$results_table <- renderTable({
    output$download_excel <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() {
        paste("membership_revenue_forecast.xlsx", sep = "")
      content = function(file) {
        input_data <- data.frame(
          "Input" = c("Number of Members", "Initial Membership Price ($)", "Estimated Retention Rate (%)", "Estimated Growth Rate (%)"),
          "Input Value" = c(input$members, input$price, input$retention, input$growth_rate)
        write.xlsx(cbind(input_data, results), file)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)```

You have some artifacts (odd characters) at the start and end of your sample code, which I assume are not present in the actual file. Try removing the line library(rsconnect). It is not needed for an app deployed to (nor for one running locally from RStudio).

Thank you! I did remove that line but the error still persists. In my log it now says: Error in rsconnect::deployApp(appFiles = "myapp.r", account = my account ) appPrimaryDoc` not found inside appDir

Is "myapp.r" the name of your application file? Note that this is case-sensitive.

Is your app at the top level of the app folder and not in a subdirectory?