Issue deploy app - Error in `quartoInspect()`: ! Failed to run `quarto inspect` against your content:

I'm trying to deploy a very simple shiny app to

When trying to deploy either using the function

   appDir = "/Users/wss/github/area_gestao/app",
   appName = "coleta_disciplinas",
   appTitle = "Discipline Collection")

or using the application's publish button, the following error is produced:

Error in `quartoInspect()`:

! Failed to run `quarto inspect` against your content:

/Users/wss/github/area_gestao/app/coleta_disciplinas.R is not a valid
Fourth input document

However, the application is not related to a Quarto document.

I'm using a MacBook Air M1.

I appreciate any help on the problem.

Had a similar issue, fixed it by changing the name of the app to “app.R”. I’m new to this so maybe someone else could describe why this works.


Thanks for the tip! I'll test your solution.


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