I've installed RStudio Server and Shiny Server on an Amazon linux (CentOS) instance in AWS and everything works well, including accessing through reverse proxy, etc. To troubleshoot a Shiny app I wanted to log in to RStudio Server as user "shiny" (to test if it can access a particular database) and find that I get "Incorrect or invalid username / password". I have no problem doing switching to user shiny in a shell by su shiny
and shiny's password.
So far, I have tried changing shiny's password, stopping, starting and re-starting RStudio Server, checking there's no group specified in the rstudio.conf file (no, it's empty, as per out of the box), checking shiny's user id is > 100 (it is 996, see below). I haven't completely run out of things to check yet but was wondering, is there anything special about user shiny
that would stop it logging in to RStudio Server?
Here's the user ids. ellisp is a user who can log on to RStudio Server; shiny is a user that can't.
$ id ellisp
uid=1001(ellisp) gid=1002(ellisp) groups=1002(ellisp),10(wheel)
$ id shiny
uid=996(shiny) gid=1001(shiny) groups=1001(shiny)