Is there a YAML instruction or other option in Quarto for left-aligned table captions?

Cannot find any info about this except editing some css file...
Is that really not possible in quarto document?

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In Quarto, many styling changes can be done using YAML options, but for full customization, editing CSS is often necessary. If you’re looking for a specific change, there might be a built-in option or filter workaround. What exactly are you trying to modify?

I have all tables aligned to the left, but cannot find any option (yaml would be best) to set table captions as left-aligned too.

Tables are made with knitr and kableExtra with kable_classic formatting:
kableExtra::kable_classic(html_font = "arial", font_size = 12, full_width = FALSE, position = "left", bootstrap_options = "condensed")

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