This biplot has got rather polluted with all the confidences ellipses in it:
pca <- prcomp(, scale = TRUE)
pontos <- as.factor(q_agua$LOCAL)
geom.ind = "point",
pointshape = 21,
pointsize = 3,
fill.ind = pontos,
title = "Componentes Principais e Pontos de Coleta",
addEllipses = T,
col.var = "black")+
labs(fill = "Pontos de Coleta",
x = "Dimensão 1 (34,81%)",
y = "Dimensão 2 (21,16%)")
So I studied how to create those ellipses with correlation matrices:
tab <- matrix(c(pca$x[,1], pca$x[,2]), ncol=2)
cP4 <- cor(tab[37:47,])
cP5 <- cor(tab[48:58,])
Everything works well. But when I add the command to plot it, it returns an error:
geom.ind = "point",
pointshape = 21,
pointsize = 3,
fill.ind = pontos,
title = "Componentes Principais e Pontos de Coleta",
addEllipses = F,
col.var = "black")+
labs(fill = "Pontos de Coleta",
x = "Dimensão 1 (34,81%)",
y = "Dimensão 2 (21,16%)")+
centre = colMeans(tab[37:47,]),
level = 0.95))
Error in polygon(ellipse(cP4 * max(abs(pca$rotation)) * 1, centre = colMeans(tab[37:47, : has not been called yet
Is there a way to make this work, without the need to create the graphics from scratch?
I'm pretty new to this so any idea will help me to learn more.