Is there a way to make a Dynamic UI with Images of RShiny load faster?

I have a dynamic UI that loads a card item and its description , and for 1 page I make a 50 cards displayed (as default) or else the remainder of the cards in last page (which is defined from num_cards() reactive values) this is the dynamic UI code:

output$dynamicUI <- renderUI({, lapply(1:num_cards(), function(i) {
          column(width = 3,
                 style = "padding: 0; margin: 0;",  # Zero margin and padding
                   uiOutput(paste0("dynamicImage", i))
          column(width = 9,
                 style = "padding: 0; margin: 0;",  # Zero margin and padding
                   # Row 1 (top)
                   column(width = 9,
                          style = "padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 36px; font-family: 'Berlin Sans FB', Demi; background: transparent;",  # Zero margin and padding
                            width = 12,
                            textOutput(paste0("cardName", i))
                   column(width = 3,
                          style = "padding: 0; margin: 0; font-alignment: 'right'; font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; background: transparent; text-align: right !important;",  # Zero margin and padding
                            width = 10,
                            textOutput(paste0("releaseDate", i))
                 fluidRow(class = "custom-fluid-row",
                          # Row 2 (middle)
                            width = 2,
                              imageOutput(paste0("BOXICONONE", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXICONONE'),
                                textOutput(paste0("BOXONE", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXONE')
                            width = 2,
                              imageOutput(paste0("BOXICONTWO", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXICONTWO'),
                                textOutput(paste0("BOXTWO", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXTWO')
                            width = 2,
                              imageOutput(paste0("BOXICONTHREE", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXICONTHREE'),
                                textOutput(paste0("BOXTHREE", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXTHREE')
                            width = 2,
                            style = "padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 22px; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; background: transparent",  # Zero margin and padding
                              width = 12,
                              textOutput(paste0("BOXFOUR", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXFOUR')
                            width = 2,
                            style = "padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 22px; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; background: transparent",  # Zero margin and padding
                              width = 12,
                              textOutput(paste0("BOXFIVE", i)) %>% tagAppendAttributes(class = 'BOXFIVE')
                 fluidRow(class = "custom-fluid-row",
                          # Row 3 (bottom)
                            height = 130,
                            width = 12,
                            style = "padding: 0; margin: 0; background: transparent; font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'",  # Zero margin and padding
                              height = 130,
                              width = 12,
                              textOutput(paste0("cardDescription", i))

Above are the main UI in my apps, and I have left sidebarmenu that when clicked, updates the dynamicUI accordingly to the menu category, but the loading for this UI is kinda slow, (I think because I use a lots of image displayed as the card image and its box icons). Here is the profvis results of some simulation

I was wondering if theres a way I can make the UI smoother or maybe make the renderUI/renderImage load image more faster.. appreciate any help!

These are the minimal reproducible example for the apps that i can create to relate the issue (i minimize it to display 2 cards so it more faster than the related one)

Here a crosspost on stackoverflow can be found.

OK, sorry i might deleted this soon

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