Hi all
I have created a R Shiny app. I use lot of different packages.
library(shinybusy) #loading icons, process bars...
library(fontawesome) #icons in menus
library(shinyWidgets) #dropdowns, checkbox...
library(lubridate) #working with datestamps
library(tidyverse) #fluient interaction
library(ggplot2) #high-end visualizations
library(shinythemes) #overall theme of the app
library(celestial) #common astronomy conversion routines
library(data.table) #working with data/tables
library(shinyBS) #pop-ups
library(tidyr) #reshaping datasets
I want to share the app over the colleagues on their pc, when installing R studio and opening the script for the first time, the app suggest in a yellow banner on top of the code to install the needed packages.
This is a quick fix, but I know their is a possibility to use renv and take a snapshot of the used packages and their versions.
I have already read a lot of information on the internet, but I can't figure out how it exactly works.
This is what I think:
After the library section, I need to mention the renv::snapshot command to save all the packages and their version, but what do I need to do after that? Can I already send the app to the colleagues, how do they use the reproducible environment? Maybe the yellow banner is sufficient for this project?
I have found this info in a course:
Thanks in advance!