We're beginning to see a common pattern evolve where we write packages, jobs and reports together.
For example, we might be working on a new DeepThought package. Alongside that we might have some DeepThought processing jobs and some DeepThought dashboards. So we might have a group of RProjects that look like:
/ DeepThought
/ DeepThought.Package
- DeepThought.Package.Rproj
/ R
- *.R files
/ DeepThought.Processing
- DeepThought.Processing.RProj
- Process1.R
- Process2.R
- .... other R files
/ DeepThought.Shiny
- DeepThought.Shiny.RProj
- App.R
/ R
- ... other R files
Ideally I'd like all of the projects in DeepThought to share the same Renv environment - e.g. to share the same tidyverse version.
Is there a way to do that? e.g. can we chain .RProfile files together somehow to share a single renv environment?
you could write your own functionality to parse the JSON of the various renv.lock files,
find commonalities, differences, amend them and write them out again.
That case study has nested RProj files - with the package specific project inside the outer project - can I apply renv to the outer project and have the inner package project pick that up automatically?
You could have all of the sub-projects share the same library + lockfile by using a custom loader in each sub-project's .Rprofile; e.g. with something like:
You might also be able to just use renv::load("path/to/project") in each case to explicitly load a particular project.
I'm wondering whether we should just go with a single project at the top level - the only thing we want RCMD to build is the package folder and it looks like the parent project can give us that using the lines:
I would say that most typically, the package itself is the top-level project item (the package is the project). However, in larger projects where the R package might just be one component of the project, then this sub-directory approach may be more appropriate.
Ultimately, I believe it comes down to whatever feels most natural for you.