Hi everyone, I'm trying to add more sub headings in the table of contents, but even with using toc_depth and secnumdepth to do so. I wonder whether the problem is r is not recognizing the heading when the number of # is more than 6 ? fro example ###### Header level 7 ? or this is something to do with TOC itself that is not taking more than 5 levels of headings whatsoever.?
this is my code:
title: "Report"
number_sections: yes
latex_engine: xelatex
word_document: default
df_print: paged
toc: yes
toc-depth: 10
mainfont: Cambria Math
monofontoptions: "Scale=0.7"
- \usepackage{lettrine}
- \usepackage{lipsum}
- \usepackage{type1cm}
# Head 1
some text
## Head 2
some text
### Head 3
some text
#### Head 4
some text
##### Head 5
some text
###### Head 6
some text
####### Head 7
some text
results in: