Hi all,
I regularly using Sweave for report generation inside RStudio (Tiger Daylily) with R 4.0.5, TexLive 2015, SumatraPDF on Win7 (migration to Win10, didn't change anything).
Unfortunately the synctex feature is not working properly.
A simple .Rnw file as
test 1
test 2
does compile (using Compile PDF button in RStudio), but syncing does not properly work:
- compiling the pdf, all necessary files are available: .log, .pdf, .tex, -concordance.tex, .synctex.gz, but
- R-console shows: SyncTeX ERROR: SyncTeX Error: Bad preamble (only on 32bit-R)
- in 32bit-R the pdf does not show up automatically
- in 32bit-R sync-pdf button only appears only if the file is touched again (typing, delete, comment, uncomment,...) and only THEN the following is TRUE (before, syncing does not work, on 32bit-R pdf does not even show up although available)
** syncing from .rnw to .pdf does work correctly (ctrl-click)
** syncing from .pdf to .rnw does not work properly, as cursor does not jump to the required position - but stays at its position (double-click/ctrl-click) - in 64bit-R the generated pdf show up imidiately, but no sync-pdf button either until touching the file
- after touching the file, sync-pdf button appears and
** syncing from .rnw to .pdf does work correctly (ctrl-click)
** syncing from .pdf to .rnw does not work properly, as cursor does not jump to the required position - but stays at its position (double-click/ctrl-click)
I tried to understand the 'bad preamble' error, but failed. There is little (helpful) information about that on the web.
Meanwhile, it seems to be a problem in conjunction with SumatraPDF, because using 'RStudio Viewer' on 64bit-R everything works fine (but it gets even worse on 32bit: each ctrl-click leads to a Bad preamble error and no syncing at all, not even using a .tex file - sth which works perfectly using texWorks ).
Anyone an idea?
Thank you very much!