Introduction to Probability and Data with R : "statsr" do not have "BayesFactor"

I am doing the Coursera's online course Introduction to Probability and Data with R
(, by Duke U. I am stuck in week 2 lab because the Statistics with R - Introduction to Probability and Data
1-2 Introduction to data


Error: package ‘BayesFactor’ required by ‘statsr’ could not be found
any help from Duke? from the Posit community?

Try running


and then running library(statsr). Does that work?


Just first let me note that the issue only happens in this posit course. In my local R-studio “statsr” has all needed packages and functions OK.

I tried the suggested sequence, and it does not work. It delivers this error message:

“cannot open compressed file 'BayesFactor', probable reason 'No such file or directory'

Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) :

there is no package called ‘BayesFactor’
