I’m a beginning R user and a new member of this community. I'm interested in using the mda package to run a flexible discriminant analysis with the mars method. I'm looking for guidance on how to interpret the canonical coefficients I obtain, because the rows are not named like they are when I run an fda using the default method = polyreg. I'm grateful for your help.
coef() when method = mars
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] -0.74107385 1.3504962 0.78879242 -1.61802955
[2,] 0.29753770 0.1728769 0.02090793 0.27420208
[3,] 0.21590200 -0.5316448 -0.18151203 0.15314233
[4,] 0.15729606 0.3198006 -0.74194085 -0.47304546
coef() when method = polyreg
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
Intercept -0.5019719938 -0.070193051 0.55800941 -0.930215219
CP_Psychosis -0.0683513746 -0.257660684 -0.70681065 0.906489430
CP_Depression -0.0883615256 0.028353150 -0.28741963 -0.059711890
CP_Anxiety 0.0766194731 -0.151427155 -0.09485747 0.022221503
CP_Oppositional 0.0518207824 -0.075361310 -0.02126432 0.161362909