I am new to quarto extensions and I was going through the process of creating one.
I wanted to add a header with the following fields: Project
, Task
, Calc by
, and Check by
.and it look something like this:
I would like to just provide the following in the yml file :
title: Untitled
hdr-pdf: default
date: last-modified
project: project info
task: task info
designer: ABC
checker: XYZ
Then I would like to interpolate this info in the latex file. I have something like this currently in the _extention.yml file:
title: Hdr
author: co1emi11er2
version: 1.0.0
quarto-required: ">=1.4.0"
toc: true
include-in-header: header.tex
include-before-body: pagestyle.tex
Here is the relevant code from header.tex file:
%% Style the page number
% Left Header
\textbf{Project:} \@project \\
\textbf{Task:} \@task
% Right Header
\textbf{Calc by:} \@designer \\
\textbf{Check by:} \@checker
Is this something that can be done? Thanks!