Interactivity with the deluxe cars dataset
Authors: Sam Parmar
Abstract: The table here shows the gtcars dataset from the gt package which has information on expensive and fast cars from 2014 to 2017. Reactable and crosstalk packages used on the dataset to create an interactive HTML document. The table serves as an example of just some of the many capabilities of the reactable package. Additionally, it show how HTML widgets can communicate with each other without R Shiny using the crosstalk package.
Full Description: The table here shows the gtcars dataset from the gt package which has information on expensive and fast cars from 2014 to 2017. The table was built using the reactable package combined with crosstalk to allow HTML widgets to communicate with each other without R Shiny. Features in the interactive-HTML include d3scatter plots, crosstalk filter controls, column name tooltips, embedded flag images, row selection, and conditionally formatted cells with icons and bar charts. The example shows some of the capabilities of reactable combined with crosstalk.
Table Type: interactive-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: Interactivity with the deluxe cars dataset
Repo: GitHub - parmsam/rstudio-table-contest-2021: RStudio table contest 2021 entry. Hosted on Github pages here.
RStudio Cloud:
package used: false
package used: false
package used: true
package used: false
package used: false
package used: false
Other packages: reactablefmtr