Interactive Exploration and Analysis of Oil Wells
Authors: Jeff Craggy
Full Description:
The app highlights oil wells in the Texas permian basin via leaflet. The accompanying DT will list the wells estimated ultimate recovery (how much oil the well has produced historically) along with distribution percentiles (average, median, p10, p90, ratio) and sample proportion estimate (p hat). While there are many wells, the EUR is only calculated on the "Wolfcamp" and "Trend Area" reservoirs. The DT has a custom filter button and will notfiy the user when a filter is active.
This data set encapsulates a detailed analysis of historical data for oil wells located within the Permian basin in Reeves county Texas.
The map will render a series of rings located around a central well pad area. Each ring represents either a 1, 5, 10, and 15 mile radius from the central location (area of interest).
Leaflet features:
- Full Screen.
- Reset View.
- Zoom to central location.
- Measuring tool.
- Customized Basemap layers.
- Reservoir Selection.
- AOI (Area of Interest rings).
- County borders.
- Well pad grids.
- Central location polygon (AOI).
DT features:
- The main well pad focused on (area of interest).
- The ring area the wells are located in (1 mile, 5 mile, 10 mile, 15 mile radius).
- The reservoirs the wells fall into (currently only Wolfcamp and Trend Area supported).
- The count of wells and their status(active, inactive, etc...).
- Amount of wells accounted for (wells that have EUR data) TOL.
The EUR (estimated ultimate recovery) is given for wells located within the “Wolfcamp" and "Trend Area" oil (along with gas & water produced) reservoirs. Many different reservoirs may be shown on the map, but only the "Wolfcamp" and "Trend Area" wells have relevant accompanying data within the DT.
Metrics per Reservoir Area
Distribution Percentiles:
- Average
- Median
- P10
- P90
- P10/P90
- Ratio
Sample Porportion Estimate:
- P Hat
The table incorporates an hypothetical lateral length
interactive feature. When the user enters a number into the Normalized Lateral Length
Shiny input box, the EUR with Normalized Lateral Length will be recalculated to hypothesize the EUR of a well when its horizontal lateral length changes.
ex: The first few rows in the DT will display a lateral length of 4,144, which is consistent with the EUR
column for the first set of wells. The EUR Normalized Lateral Length column will reflect values calculated off
the 10,000ft Shiny input. When the 10,000 value is changed, the normalized lateral length EURs will update.
This app serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders involved in oil well planning and analysis within the Permian basin, supporting informed decision-making through accessible data visualization and interactive tools.
Table Type: interactive-Shiny
Submission Type: Other
Table: 2024 Table Contest
Code: GitHub - JBC-Inc/jbcTableContest: 2024 Table Contest submission
Language: English
Industries: Energy.
Packages: DT