Interactive analysis of expanded survey data - Shiny Contest Submission

Interactive analysis of expanded survey data

Authors: Jorge Luis Cutipa Musaja

Abstract: The web application allows users to interactively access the expanded data of the National Survey of Teachers in Public and Private Educational Institutions (ENDO), as well as the statistics that allow evaluating the quality of the data.

Full Description: The National Survey of Teachers in Public and Private Educational Institutions (ENDO) has been applied in Peru in the years 2014, 2016 and 2018. However, there is no platform on which public policy makers, researchers, teachers, civil society, teachers' unions and the general public can properly access the expanded data, as well as the standard errors and coefficient of variation.

The aim of this work is to develop a web application that allows these users to access the expanded data of the ENDO, as well as the statistics that allow to evaluate the quality of these.

To achieve this, we will use the libraries Shiny and Survey, both written in the programming language R. The first one facilitates the creation of interactive web applications and the second one allows the adequate calculation of the already mentioned statistics. In addition, the Highcharts library will be used for the elaboration of dynamic graphics.

Likewise, CSS language will be used to stylize some elements of the web application.

As a result, the web application will have an interactive and intuitive interface. In addition, access to this application will be open.

Keywords: survey, education, teachers, highcharter
Shiny app:
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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Your application is very interesting, I also studied UNMSM, greetings Jorge.

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