Installing this, first error Rstudio can see Version of R but gives error cannot load version of R no matter if i browse the files and direct it to the 32 bit or 64 bit version. Installed on C drive in all normal conditions of installation.
Installed on windows 11 everything up to date
Shortcuts of both created for desktop to launch apps
Is this some pathing issue?
Uninstalled both, downloaded them do D drive and now Rstudio cannot see R installed on the computer and just prompts to the download page.
Opening the windows button and typing Rstudio the run command pops up to launch the app and this launches Rstudio with R running behind it and no problems.
If i try to open folder of the run command and drop a shortcut to the desktop or even use the Rstudio app in the folder it reverts back to error R is not installed?
I searched some topics on the forums but the topics were just closed or no answers really given. Anyone else fix this problem?