I have used older version of R for long time and recently installed R 4.4 and R tools. Trying to installed packages and call the library. I'm getting below error.
Package LibPath Version Priority Depends Imports LinkingTo Suggests Enhances License License_is_FOSS License_restricts_use OS_type Archs
MD5sum NeedsCompilation Built
Package LibPath Version Priority Depends Imports LinkingTo Suggests Enhances License License_is_FOSS License_restricts_use OS_type Archs
MD5sum NeedsCompilation Built
I think you are misusing installed.packages(). If you want to install the packages, use install.packages(). If you want to check whether the packages are installed, try system.file(package="ggplot2").
I don't think it is. By design, it generates a data frame of all packages found under the specified directory. The first argument is supposed to be a directory/path. In this case, the directory ("ggplot2" or "ABHgenotypeR" or whatever) does not exist, so the data frame is empty. What you're seeing is the column headings for the empty data frame.