Installing Keras and Tensorflow

Hello. I fail everytime I try to install Keras and Tensorflow in R 4.0.2. I have found a website, where the installation process is described in detail:

On this website I have stopped at part 3: I don't understand where I should run pip install tensorlflow and pip install keras . In Jupyter Notebook the installation process doesn't come to and end. When I do the same in Spyder I always receive the following text:

  File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3267, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

  File "<ipython-input-1-55fe5a7ae02f>", line 1, in <module>
    runfile('C:/Users/user/Downloads/', wdir='C:/Users/user/Downloads')

  File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\", line 704, in runfile
    execfile(filename, namespace)

  File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\", line 108, in execfile
    exec(compile(, filename, 'exec'), namespace)

  File "C:/Users/user/Downloads/", line 8
    python -m pip install [tensorflow]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

And again, the installation process is never been finished.
Could you, please, tell or show me, where I should run these commands?
Thank you for your help.

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