Installation path not writeable.

RStudio Cloud can't install Rpackages from bioconductor by BiocManager::install() function.

Hi there,

Can you provide more information about the issue? Do you have a screenshot of the error messages you can share?


Hi !
Here is the screenshot of the error messages.I don't have the root or sudo permission and do you have other solutions , please!

Can you provide me with the URL for your project?

The URL of my project is
Do you know about the bioconductor website and BiocManager package?

I'm familiar with BioConductor. What is interesting is that these packages are being installed to your R library in /home/rstudio-user/R which should be writable. I am not sure why that's not working correctly, so I am going to take a closer look.

Thanks for your time.The result of libPaths are "/home/rstudio-user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5" and "/opt/R/3.5.2/lib/R/library" when run .libPaths() command in RScript.I don't have the permission for "/opt/R" dir,but can change the permission to 777 for "/home/rstudio-user/R" dir.

I can see that you changed the permissions on /home/rstudio-user/R. Are you now able to install from BioConductor?

Still unable to install packages from bioconductor.I think that RStudio Cloud considered the safety of host linux container to present root and sudo permissions.

It isn't file permissions, the error message says there is a lock file that needs to be removed first. The lock file is a leftover of a failed installation.

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