install.views() error

Error in url(paste(contriburl[i], "Views.rds", sep = "/"), open = "rb") :
cannot open the connection to 'http://rspm/default/__linux__/focal/latest/src/contrib/Views.rds'
In addition: Warning message:
In url(paste(contriburl[i], "Views.rds", sep = "/"), open = "rb") :
cannot open URL 'http://rspm/default/__linux__/focal/latest/src/contrib/Views.rds': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'

Is there any way to run install.views()? Thanks in advance.

Here is a workaround that works for Finance:

 pkgs <- ctv:::.get_pkgs_from_ctv_or_repos("Finance", repos = "")[[1]]

(Or you can use install.packages() instead of pak::pkg_install().)

It will install a lot of packages, and some system packages:

✔ Updated metadata database: 5.18 MB in 10 files.                                            
✔ Updating metadata database ... done                                                        
→ Will install 471 packages.
→ Will update 1 package.
→ Will download 3 CRAN packages (928.14 kB).
→ Will download 469 packages with unknown size.
+ ADGofTest                       0.3          [dl]


+ zoo                             1.8-12       [dl]
→ Will install 26 system packages:
+ cmake                   - nloptr, nanonext, arrow                              
+ coinor-libsymphony-dev  - Rsymphony                                            


+ tk-table                - tcltk2                                               
? Do you want to continue (Y/n)